ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000:2015, ISO 14001:2015,ISO 29990:2010, HACCP, ISO 20000, ISO 27001(ISMS), ISO 9001, HACCP Certification, SA 8000, ISO 27001 Certification Consultant India.

Unizen Certification Services +91-7052588880

CE Certification

Unizen Certification Services is one of the largest and leading CE consultants in India. We are transnational ISO certification consultants with clients in India, We provide quick, result oriented and easy to implement consultation and training for CE certificate.

CE marking is certificate of conformity marking of product consisting of two letter “CE” used by organization to sold the product in Europian Economic Zone and outside to sustain the regulatory requirement of product in term of health , safety and environmental protection . CE Marking is the symbol of product conformity as per define by European Statuary body. The letters “CE” are the abbreviation of French phrase “Conformite Europeene” which literally means “European Conformity”. CE marking indicates that the product has been assessed by manufacturer with safety compliance and confirmity as per EU directive to ensure health, safety and environmental protection. CE mark is obligatory for product used in all electronics items and medical devices to ensure the safe disposal and recycling of E- hazardous. It harmonizes the legislation of conformity for better performance in organization. CE marking process is the set of controlled documented process for the safety and secure manufacturing process and it ensure control of all safety measures in process. The CE certification in India is provided by many reputed organization recognized by international standard council. CE marking on product is declaration of manufacturer that the product complies the essential requirement of European Union product safety legislation. The EU have designed separate directive for different type of electronics and medical product. CE marking is now mandatory in almost countries across the world as it has been very important to ensure the human safety and protect environment from E- Hazardous. CE marking in India is become mandatory for all industries engaged in manufacturing of medical devices and and electronics items to sustain the regulatory requirement of standard. CE certification process in In India is proceed by notified body under European Commission Regulations for safety devices.

List of Products needing CE Marking:-

ISO 9001:2000 Quality management systems — Requirements include a document of approximately 30 pages which is available at the national standards organization in each country. Outline contents are as follows:

  1. Appliances Burning Gaseous Fuels (AppliGas)
  2. Cableway Installations to Carry Persons
  3. Low Voltage Electrical Equipment.
  4. Construction Products
  5. Equipment and Protective Systems for Used in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (Atex)
  6. Explosives for Civil Uses
  7. Hot Water Boilers
  8. Lift
  9. Machinery
  10. Measuring Instruments
  11. Medical Devices
  12. Active Implantable Medical Devices
  13. In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices
  14. Non-automatic Weighing Instruments
  15. Radio Equipment & Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (R & TTE)
  16. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  17. Simple Pressure Vessels
  18. Pressure Equipment
  19. Recreational Craft
  20. Toys

Here at Unizen Certification Services, we offer a full range of Self Certification for CE Mark compliance and CE management services, for any industry, across the globe. Expert CE Mark Advisers can guide you through the CE compliance maze, assisting you to correctly CE Label your Machinery. Give us a call to see how we can help you.

CE Compliance

Delivering safety approvals, CE Mark Compliance, CE Consultancy and Self CE Certification solutions to industry and commerce. Applying the appropriate CE Standards such as EN 12100, EN 60204 and EN 14121 to successfully deploy CE Marking, European Machine Safety Regulations, Machine Guarding advice, risk assessment, hazard analysis and Technical Files, under any type of European CE approvals and CE compliance management systems.

Client Base

We help many machine manufacturers, distributors and importers of all types of machinery from around the world to CE Mark their machines, products, processes and systems to ensure CE Compliance to the Essential Health & Safety Requirements of the Machinery Directive, Low Voltage Directive, EMC Directive, Pressure Equipment Directive and ATEX Directive and many more areas of European Safety Legislation.

European Machine Safety Regulations

The European Machine Safety Regulations make it an offence to supply machinery or safety component UNLESS IT IS SAFE. At CE Mark Consultancy we can undertake the work to create your Technical Files, or assist you to sell your product in compliance with the appropriate European Machine Safety legislation.

CE Mark Advisory Service

Here at CE Mark Consultancy, we provide a full advisory service and apply our CE Mark Scheme for CE Marking, CE Mark Certification, Machinery, Low Voltage, EMC and Pressure Equipment Directives. Our advisory service provides impartial advice for free and we can guide you through all aspects of CE Compliance. If you have any questions relating to CE Marking, Quality, Environmental or Occupational Health & Safety Systems, give us a call and we will be glad to advise you.

CE Mark Advisors

We have a dedicated team of advisors with a wealth of experience spanning all industry sectors, having considerable knowledge of all aspects of CE Marking, Machine Safety, Risk and Hazard Analysis. Our engineering expertise covers every aspect of safety for all types of machinery.

Industry Sectors

Typical industry sectors include agriculture, automotive, building trades, ceramics, bottling plants, compression presses (1000 tonne), effluent control, electrical consumer products, food cooking, processing and testing, forestry, ground care (mowing machines), horticultural, machine tools, mechanical handling, medical, packaging, plastic moulding, pressure vessels, testing machinery, printing, specialized press tools, spraying equipment, snow clearing equipment, waste disposal and many more.

What do we offer for CE Certification for your organization?

With a team of highly qualified consultants and trainers having vast industrial experience, Unizen Certification Services assists organizations across the world to implement and achieve CE certification. Our consultation approach is highly professional, time bound and effective, resulting in the ease of implementation and adds value to the business processes of the client’s organization.

We offer CE training, implementation, consultation, gap analysis, documentation, internal audits, pre-assessment audits, certification audit through best of the certification bodies and post certification enhancement / maintenance services to enable your organization to get the best out of CE management system. Our services are globally accepted, authoritative and benchmarked in the field of CE :

Contact us at to get your organization CE certified.

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